Alternative to Linked Helper?

Stop running chrome extensions. Your LinkedIn profile is far more valuable to put at such risk. Focus on outcomes and not spinning automation.



4 reasons to switch
Drive conversion; not chase automation.
Precise Search Limited search abilities and that is limiting unless you have a Sales Navigator account. Linkdra let's you search everything in the open web.
Unimpressive Messages Basic text message, unlike Linkdra's built-in rich infographic preview cards that make your LinkedIn outreach stand out.
Task Organizer Everyday actions take time. Searching, connecting, checking status, followups, & buildings lists is easy with Linkdra Tasker.
Built for Teams No more cases of reaching out to the same prospect from multiple members. Simply avoid such embarrassments.

YOU don't use Chrome Extensions, Cloud Servers, Proxy, VPNs, or anything as a regular LinkedIn user. Do you? Why then fall for anything that just says safe when it is not.

Learn more about NO automation


Lead Generation
Prospecting workbench with embedded AI

Prospect Scoring

Keep quality high in your outreach with active scoring of searched profiles sorted automatically by most probable ones.

Preview Cards

Turn your messages into lead magnets with rich infographic preview cards native within your LinkedIn messages. See 4X jump in conversion.

Ready Templates

Ready to use message sequences derived from analyzing highly successful campaigns. Get started in minutes & boost traction.

AI Filters

Built-in assistant powered by Artificial Intelligence automatically classifies responses from prospects to HOT, WARM, NURTURE, or NEW so that you have all the time to close deals.

Seamless Dataflow

Fill your CRM automatically

Connect Linkdra with apps you use and love. Send contacts and their details to your CRM. Sync status, tags, messages everyday, to fire up your campaigns. Turn cold outreach to warm conversations.

Ready to dive in?
Start your forever free account.